Yes, you read correctly! Our new line of cleaners are 100% safe for people and pets and are so safe you can drink them. In fact you may already be drinking the leading ingredient that delivers the power of clean to our products every morning. We are talking about Probiotics! Probiotics add a revolutionary new way to fight pathogens and viruses and even choke out smells caused by biological materials.
In understanding probiotics you have to first understand traditional cleaners. In traditional cleaners, the goal is to poison the biological dirt and grime which will kill 99.9% of the biological material and leave that little remaining which is immune to that cleanser. Give this .1% 20 minutes and it will multiply. Give it 24 hours and the biological material will be back with a vengeance. This will go on and on until the solutions are so ineffective nearly 100% is immune to its effects and create a biofilm of resistance.
What is Biofilm? Biofilm protects the usual bacterial: MRSA, salmonella, E.coli, C. difficile, viruses, and others. Often found in bathrooms, kitchens, cafeterias, laundries and even on polished floors. In addition to aiding pathogens, biofilm makes surfaces harder to clean, dulls them, makes them dangerously slippery and can cause odors.
Probiotics are living organisms that surround pathogens consume there food source and starve pathogens.
Thats where probiotic solutions come in. Probiotics eat away the biofilm that the pathogens have created and eats the food sources for the pathogens, starving them and when starved the pathogens die. The difference between other cleaners and probiotic cleaners is poison vs. starvation. Starved pathogens can not build an immunity to starvation. This is why probiotics are fundamentally better then any other cleaner.
For more information or to book an appointment call Axiom Floor Care 626-344-7077